John Deere is now offering HarvestLab 3000 Grain Sensing for S700 series combines from 2018 or newer.
The grain sensing option will continuously measure and monitor protein, starch, and oil values in wheat, barley, or canola as the combine is harvesting. As the combine moves through the field, a motor-driven auger pushes grain in front of the HarvestLab’s near-infrared sensor. Combined with Deere’s StarFire receiver, site-specific data will appear on the display and be sent to the John Deere Operations Center platform.
This site-specific data is intended to help farmers precisely document the harvest as the grain quality is recorded at each point in the field. They will also be able to see areas of the field that converted nutrients into yield, protein, or oil so farmers can adjust their fertilizer application plan for the next season.
“When a farmer has site-specific data on a field’s harvest quality, they know if the wheat coming out of the field is of baking or fodder quality,” says Christopher Murray, marketing manager for John Deere. “This knowledge gives them the ability to store their grain in separate batches according to quality and then market that grain more selectively.”
Grain sensing is the fourth application to be launched on the John Deere HarvestLab 3000 platform. This platform has previously been used for constituent sensing on self-propelled forage harvesters, manure sensing on liquid manure applicators, and as a stationary desktop unit to analyze forage and samples.
HarvestLab 3000 Grain Sensing can be ordered for 2018 and newer S700 series combines. For more information, visit