T5. Th3 6th, 2025
Pattern Ag Brings Predictive Analytics to Cotton Farmers

Pattern Ag is expanding its operations into the Delta, offering farmers advanced predictive analytics for cotton diseases and nematode pressure.

“Cotton farmers in the southeastern U.S. are challenged by notoriously hot, humid, and wet weather patterns, and their soils tend to harbor many yield-robbing pests and pathogens,” said Trent Newell, an agronomy manager for Pattern Ag, in a news release. “Now, cotton farmers can leverage our highly validated predictive analytics used by Midwest corn and soybean growers in their corn, soybean, and cotton rotations, prevalent across the southeast.”

Cotton farmers in the southeast can see 20% yield losses from root-knot nematodes, boll rots, and seedling diseases. Pattern Ag’s Complete Bio panel measures soil-borne pests, pathogens, and biofertility levels. The expanded panel will include analysis for 70% of pest and disease loss in cotton. 

Advanced knowledge of pest and pathogen pressure in fields can allow farmers to make better management decisions, from variety selection to scouting and fungicide application plans. 

“No other company offers the high level of integrated testing that Pattern Ag does. This enables us to accurately predict risks farmers will face in the coming growing season,” said Danielle Watts, vice president of data science for Pattern Ag, in a news release. “The actionable data we provide can positively impact their in-season crop scouting plans and narrow their focus when selecting seed varieties and traits, nematicides, fumigants and fungicides.”

Complete Bio panels for cotton are available now. For more information, visit pattern.ag.

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